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Moraceae Gaudich. - Mulberry Family
(Ficus laccifera, Ficus latifolia, Urostigma altissimum, Urostigma lacciferum)
Common names: council tree, lofty fig
Extract from Wikipedia article: Ficus altissima, commonly known as the council tree, is a species of flowering plant, a fig tree in the family Moraceae. It is a large, stately evergreen tree and is native to southeastern Asia.
(Ficus indica, Ficus pseudobenjamina, Ficus pseudotsiela, Ficus tjiela, Ficus tsiela)
Common names: Bat fig, Indian Bat Tree
Extract from Wikipedia article: Ficus amplissima, also known as the Indian bat tree, Indian bat fig, Pimpri, Pipri (Piparee), Pipali or Bilibasari mara (in the Kannada language) is a tree species of flowering plants that belongs to Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family. It is native to Central and southern Peninsular India, Sri Lanka and Maldives, having a significant distribution throughout Western Ghats of India. It is most commonly planted to provide shade in coffee plantations due to its dense and wide foliage. The ripened figs attract many birds, especially during the spring.
  Trunk of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2014
  Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, March 29, 2014
  Fruits of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) near Al Istiqlal Street near West Bay. Doha, Qatar, May 11, 2014
  Fruits of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) near Al Istiqlal Street near West Bay. Doha, Qatar, September 25, 2014
  Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) near Al Istiqlal Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, October 20, 2014
  Trunk of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, November 23, 2014
  Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, April 9, 2015
  Trunk of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, April 21, 2015
  Trunk of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, June 1, 2015
  Trunk texture of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, June 1, 2015
  Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, March 3, 2016
  Entangled branches of Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) on its trunk in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, March 3, 2016
  Indian Bat Tree (Ficus amplissima) in Aspire Park. Doha, Qatar, June 6, 2016
(Ficus banyana, Ficus chauvieri, Ficus cotoneifolia, Ficus crassinervia, Ficus indica, Ficus krishnae, Ficus lasiophylla, Ficus umbrifera, Ficus umbrosa, Perula benghalensis, Urostigma bengalense)
Common names: Indian Banyan
Extract from Wikipedia article: Ficus benghalensis, commonly known as the Indian banyan, is a tree which is native to the Indian subcontinent. Specimens in India are among the largest trees in the world by canopy coverage.
(Ficus carica, Ficus geraniifolia, Ficus malvastrifolia, Ficus persica, Ficus vitifolia)
  Dusty fig tree Ficus johannis (a native subspicies of F. carica) on Barzan Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
  Young fig tree (Ficus johannis) in a lane behind Abdullah Bin Thani Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 28, 2014
  Brown kitten under a fig tree Ficus johannis on Umm Wishad Street, Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, June 19, 2015
(Ficus caudata, Ficus peepul, Ficus rhynchophylla, Ficus superstitiosa, Urostigma affine, Urostigma religiosa)
Common names: Bo-Tree, Lisan-el-asforr, Sacred fig
Extract from Wikipedia article: Ficus religiosa or sacred fig is a species of fig native to Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, south-west China and Indochina. It belongs to the Moraceae, the fig or mulberry family. It is also known as the Bo-Tree (from the Sanskrit Bodhi: "wisdom", "enlightened", and as a Sinhalization of this the Sinhala Bo) or Peepal or Pippal (in India and Nepal).
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) tree with brown bark near Abdullah Bin Thani Street, Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 1, 2013
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) with brown bark at Sikkat Abu Thila, Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, April 27, 2013
  Iron door with sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) on Abdul Aziz Bin Ahmed Street, Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, May 11, 2013
  Large sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) in an alley parallel to Abdullah Bin Thani Street, Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, May 24, 2013
  Apartment gate with a green tree sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) at Ibn Al Haitham Street, Fereej Abdel Aziz area. Doha, Qatar, May 24, 2013
  Iron gate with a large sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) at Ibn Abdul Salam Street, Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, June 1, 2013
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) at Sikkat Al Jawhar, Najma area. Doha, Qatar, June 7, 2013
  Brown bark of Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) near Abdullah Bin Thani Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 14, 2014
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) on Zurara Bin Amir Street in Al Doha Al Jadeeda area. Doha, Qatar, March 21, 2014
  Brown bark of Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) in a lane behind Abdullah Bin Thani Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 28, 2014
  Shoots of Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) on Umm Wishad Street in Musheirib area. Doha, Qatar, March 28, 2014
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) on Al Istiqlal Street Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 30, 2015
  Leaves of sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) on Al Istiqlal Street Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, April 30, 2015
  Leaf venation of sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) in a park at Al Intisar Street near a corner with Onaiza. Doha, Qatar, May 3, 2015
  Seedling of sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) growing from stone fence in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, June 3, 2015
  Sacred fig (Bo-Tree, Ficus religiosa) near a stone fence on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 3, 2016
  Leaves of sacred fig (Ficus religiosa) on Al Intisar Street in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, February 3, 2016
(Ficus australis, Ficus baileyana, Ficus ferruginea, Ficus fulva, Ficus leichhardtii, Ficus macrophylla, Ficus muelleri, Ficus novae-walliae, Ficus obliqua, Ficus platypoda, Ficus shirleyana, Urostigma leichhardtii)
Common names: rusty fig tree
Extract from Wikipedia article: Ficus rubiginosa, the rusty fig or Port Jackson fig (damun in the Dharug language), is a species of flowering plant native to eastern Australia in the genus Ficus. Beginning as a seedling that grows on other plants (hemiepiphyte) or rocks (lithophyte), F. rubiginosa matures into a tree 30 m (100 ft) high and nearly as wide with a yellow-brown buttressed trunk. The leaves are oval and glossy green and measure from 4 to 19.3 cm (1+1⁄2–7+1⁄2 in) long and 1.25 to 13.2 cm (1⁄2–5+1⁄4 in) wide.
  Leaf of Rusty Fig Tree (Ficus rubiginosa(?)) near Al Istiqlal Street near West Bay. Doha, Qatar, May 11, 2014
(Morus arabica, Morus atropurpurea, Morus bullata, Morus byzantina, Morus chinensis, Morus colombassa, Morus constantinopolitana, Morus cucullata, Morus dulcis, Morus fastigiata, Morus furcata, Morus guzziola, Morus heterophylla, Morus hispanica, Morus intermedia, Morus italica, Morus japonica, Morus kaki, Morus laciniata, Morus latifolia, Morus levasseurei, Morus lhou, Morus lucida, Morus macrophylla, Morus mariettii, Morus membranacea, Morus moretti, Morus morettiana, Morus nana, Morus nervosa, Morus nigriformis, Morus patavia, Morus patavina, Morus pumila, Morus romana, Morus rubra, Morus serotina, Morus serrata, Morus sinensis, Morus stylosa, Morus subalba, Morus tatarica, Morus tokwa, Morus tortuosa, Morus venassaini, Morus venosa)
Common names: Tout Abaid, white mulberry
Extract from Wikipedia article: Morus alba, known as white mulberry, is a short-lived, fast-growing, small to medium sized mulberry tree, which grows to 10–20 m tall. The species is native to northern China, and is widely cultivated and naturalized elsewhere. It is known as शहतूत in Hindi,Tuta in Sanskrit, Tuti in Marathi, Dut in Turkish and Toot in Persian and in Armenian.
  Leaf of white mulberry (Morus alba) taken from Al Sham Street in West Bay. Doha, Qatar, March 15, 2014
  White mulberry (Morus alba) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 11, 2014
  Fruits of white mulberry (Morus alba) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 16, 2014
  Branches of white mulberry (Morus alba) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 16, 2014
  Ripening fruits of white mulberry (Morus alba) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 16, 2014
  Backlit leaf of white mulberry (Morus alba) taken from a roadside of Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, April 16, 2014
  Flowers of white mulberry (Morus alba) on Al Sham Street in area of West Bay. Doha, Qatar, March 8, 2015
  Fruits of white mulberry (Morus alba) on dead end on Al Khair Street in Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, April 1, 2015
  Ripening white mulberry (Morus alba) on dead end on Al Khair Street in Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, April 1, 2015
  Close up of fruits of white mulberry (Morus alba) on dead end on Al Khair Street in Lejbailat area. Doha, Qatar, April 1, 2015
  White mulberry (Morus alba) in Onaiza area. Doha, Qatar, March 24, 2016
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- Full names, synonyms, and classification of plants were found online from catalogueoflife.org and theplantlist.org
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